Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thesis Proposal

In my free write I was more focused on the dress code and human nature, but with my opinion editorial I will be going in a different direction. Recently I was diagnosed with general and social anxiety. After months of counseling and medication I finally feel that the world is spinning normally, (as normal as it can get), and I feel like I can handle the day to day! Before my diagnosis though, I held the belief that medication was not the best solution for mental issues. I was convinced to truly solve the issue you had to face it with your own mind so you could defeat yourself without the assistance of outside forces. 

However, after my personal experience with the weaknesses and insufficiency you feel when the very thing that is running your mind is ruining you from the inside out. After I was prescribed the medication I instantly saw the difference. My ability to live as an “average person” was drastically easier.
Now, I haven’t done actual research on this debate and the sides there are to it, but reasons I personally believe in the necessity for the healing of mental problems are personally developed which make them that much stronger to me. First, just like your heart may not be able to pump blood very well, you can take a pill to help that issue. The mind is the same way! It is the organ that is responsible for your thoughts, motor skills and many more things! It is full of chemical reactions and therefore is a  scientific area! Also, Heavenly Father has blessed us with modern day medicine, so why would we not use his wonderful gift?


  1. Over the summer I nanny a boy who is autistic and I used to have the same view on medication for this issue as you did. I though it was wrong to medicate those with mental illnesses or disabilities because I thought it masked who they really were. But, after spending my summers with Alex I have come to find out what you have. I like your view on this issue and your positivity and willingness to adapt to your changing environment.

  2. Kind of going along with what Stephanie said I like your positive out look on the issue. You definitely had to adapt and like you said it's made it easier so I'm glad that it has. I like your optimistic view, everything is always better when you have a positive view.

  3. Excellent. I think this is a fascinating subject that really needs to be addressed--most mental illnesses are discovered from the ages of 18-25. Another interesting observation--since they've changed the missionary age more young people have been going home due to mental illness. I personally think this is because if you haven't lived in a highly regimented environment away from home, it's hard to really see the mental illness for what it is. Anyways, good luck! It's going to be great!
