Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Paper About A Paper

This opinion editorial was a very fun paper to write! It was nice to have freedom to choose what we wanted to write, how we wanted to write it, and how we wanted it to be taken or what tone we wanted it to take on. What really helped me in the writing process for this paper was the free write and the rough draft posting on google drive to receive comments from peers. The free write was very helpful because it got ideas generating inside my head without the pressure of writing a paper. Although I didn’t write about anything that was in my free write, it led to my mind finding the topic I wanted my paper to be on. Putting the rough drafts in google docs so we could get comments from our group was super helpful. Especially when we had the class where all we did was talk about each other’s paper. It helped to have the discussion between writer and readers be direct and interactive. 
I would say one thing that would have been really nice would have been to have us post the paper to the google docs again before we turned in the final. That way our group could read it again and see if the changes they had suggested had worked and see how the paper worked after the critiques were taken into account. I know personally I loved the suggestions my group gave, I just wasn’t sure if I had edited the paper to the point that they had wanted it to be at. So it would have been nice to receive that extra layer of critique and assurance of the paper’s quality.
I don’t know as if I had any expectations, but I liked that it was very free and open to my ideas as a writer. I was allowed to explore my own thoughts and beliefs and then express it in the way I wanted it to be presented. 


  1. Very well said, it's a paper about a topic that you feel passionate about and having evidence to prove it. I also agree with the fact that we should've turned in our final on google drive so we could get more tips on how to improve it.

  2. I also really like how open it was. I actually cared about writing this paper, because it was something I had a strong opinion and argument for. I know for me I had a roommate peer edit my paper before the final, so even if it's not on google drive to our classmates it was really helpful to have that last feedback.
