Sunday, September 14, 2014

GASCAP Articles!! YAY!

Argument by Generalization
Why did Angie and Brad bother to get married?
Written by: Peggy Drexler

She used their appeal as a celebrity couple to define the group of Americans who aren't getting married, or, for example, the homosexuals who are fighting for the right. Through the use of facts, statistics and tax information, she informed her audience as to why marriage was an option that people should consider and do when the opportunity presents itself.

Argument by Analogy
Stop the insanity of reclining seats
Written by: Maria  Cardona

She was talking about the recent instances of flights being diverted because of arguments that broke out over someone reclining their seat on a flight. So she proposed the idea of simply getting rid of reclining seats. Two airlines were brought up that have done this as evidence, that it can be done and work out just fine for the airline's bottom line.

Argument by Signs
Why is ISIS so brutal?
  Written by: Frida Ghitis

This article is under this description because of the claims supported with reasons that were actions of the group. Then, she went on to define their brutality through examples of what they had done in the past. She also went on to compare them to brutal, genocide groups in history.

Argument by Cause 
How slavery haunts today's America
Written by: Edward E. Baptist

He discussed the effects of slavery in today's culture. This was actually my favorite article because of one of his perspectives. He mentioned that because of the selling of slaves, many families have been separated. For example, a man had married and raised kids, but when he was sold into New Orleans he had started a new family, now neither family knows each other. He listed more effects, but that was the most poignant because of its originality.

Argument by Authority
Will the 'God Particle' destroy the world?
Written by: Meg Urry

Meg Urry, the author, is the Israel Munson professor of physics and astronomy at Yale University and director of the Yale Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics. Basically, she is really smart and she know exactly what she is talking about! She is definitely an authority on the scientific matter she is discussing.
Argument by Principle
Beheading Video Poses Challenge for Social Media
Written by: David Weinberger

I know, I know, another article in reference to ISIS. This one though discussed more the impact of the beheading videos on social media, and the problem that social medias face in term of free speech for their members on their internet site. We all believe in the constitutional right of free speech for all in this great nation, but what that also boils down to, is sometimes we will see and hear things that we don't want to. At that point, when can it be taken down, can it ever be?

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