Sunday, September 14, 2014

My opinion on other's opinions

So, I'm a little late doing this, but better late than never right?  

The first thing about this editorial that I loved was how personal she wrote and presented 
herself as. Especially in the introduction and then continuing throughout
her writing she kept adding in why reasons why her argument was valid and why she was
"qualified" to present her argument.

My problem with it though was her lack of a thesis and cohesion of the paper. The reasons were not
bad, I just did not feel, especially at the end, that all of her points had come together to
present one firm stance on how she felt about the issue.

A Kiss-Less Campus

My favorite part of her article was when she brought up the examples of doing acceptable actions, 
just at the wrong time. I feel that it illustrated well to the audience her background belief
that PDA is fine, just not in certain places or at certain times.

Unfortunately the article felt very "kidishly" (is that even a word?) written. I feel like her thesis would have been better represented if she had talked about both sides, not just her extreme
examples she had seen in her three weeks at BYU. It seemed almost like she just wrote down a bunch of things she had heard or seen and then asked that people stop doing that, without giving a solution to the problem. 

Wrestling's Dirty Secret

Wow! That was an eye opening article! Without his writings on the deaths in the collegiate wrestling level I never would have known about them and their true meaning. I think for that reason mostly it was a great opinion editorial. He gave the facts, and while they were slightly biased, he presented them to the audience so that we would have the chance to make our own opinion of how to solve the issue.

I think the one thing that I dislike about it would have been the way he presented some of the information he shared. For example, when he was talking about the NCAA meeting after the occurrence of the deaths he shared it in such a way that sounded like they had done nothing. Like I said earlier, I think that a little less tone from the author and bias views would help the reader.

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