Sunday, September 7, 2014

Introduction to Moi

Hola! Jk...I don't actually speak spanish, or french. Hi there, my name is Lucy Black.
I never have been into the idea of doing a whole blog thing, but
considering it is a school assignment, I guess I'll start liking it.  

So, I am an 18 year old freshman at Brigham Young University, currently taking a bunch of
general credit classes because I have no idea what I want to do for a major! But, going off of what my
high school counselor promised, when I go on an LDS mission I'll hopefully
be zapped by lightning to the brain and suddenly know exactly what I want to do!
Seeing as that probably won't happen, I'm going forward with my plans!

As I said, I'm planing' on serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I 
love my church and all that it teaches me and the opportunity I'll have to share that
with others! 

I grew up in the church, born in Boise, Idaho, as the youngest of six kids, by six years.  I am most definitely the baby! I also am blessed to be the aunt of six wonderful nieces and nephews! 

This is Carson, Ella and Madison

Here are the other three- (L to R)
Curtis, Juniper, my wonderful sister-in-law Katie, and Maggie

 I had my child years in Philomath, OR (best state EVER) and continue to 
grow up in Provo, UT.  I've been dancing since I was four doing ballroom, ballet, modern, and 
basically whatever other dances I've learned in classes!
I like reading, designing stuff, hiking, traveling, being with family, being outside, tandem
bike riding (as of last night), cooking, watching movies....basically,
anything fun!!

(L to R)
Clancy and his wife, Katie; my brother Russell's wife Sara, my sister Cortney
and her husband Josh, my loving mommy, ME!!, my favorite
Ginger-Whitney, and my papi is taking the picture!

 My plan for the future, according to if the world complies as well, is to; 
go on a mission in April of 2015, be an EFY counselor the summer of 2017,
and study abroad my senior year of college. Like I said, that's the dream, but who
knows what will actually happen! But, I know that whatever Heavenly
Father has in store for me, it's better than any plan I ever could have made!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are enjoying the moment! I look forward to hearing about your mission plans, whenever they come to fruition!
